Request for Membership

Prospective members must fill out, sign and submit a membership application form and submit annual dues of $40 for an individual membership or $45 for a family membership (which is great for couples, parent and child, etc.).   As soon as the completed application form and payment are received by GRSNO, your membership will go into effect and you will begin receiving Genesis and other membership benefits.


Three easy steps to join! (1) Click HERE to bring up an Adobe (.pdf) electronic version of the form.

(2) Return the completed and signed form as an email attachment to or by postal service to:

Genealogical Research Society of New Orleans
P. O. Box 51791
New Orleans, LA 70151-1791

(3) PAYMENT OPTIONS: Make your check or money order payable to GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY OF NEW ORLEANS and mail it with your completed and signed membership application form to the address above.
Pay electronically using PayPal. Select one of these payment options from the dropdown menu below: (1) Individual Membership, One Year, $40; (2) Family Membership, One Year, $45; or (3) Library/Institution Annual Subscription to New Orleans Genesis, $40. NOTE: you do not need a PayPal account to pay by credit card:


Choose Your Payment:

Renewing your membership? You can pay your annual dues using any of the options above. Please email any changes to your contact information to

LIBRARIES AND INSTITUTIONS: New subscribers please click HERE to bring up an Adobe (.pdf) electronic version of the subscription form.   Please return the completed and signed form as an email attachment to You can make your subscription payment for $40 using the mail or PayPal options above. As soon as the completed subscription form and payment are received by GRSNO, your subscription will go into effect and you will begin receiving Genesis.

Existing subscribers can make their subscription renewal payments using the mail or PayPal options above. Please email any changes to your contact information to

Thank You!